Day 4 - Module 1

I haven't shot the video for this page, but the text below is what it will say.  There is one video in the middle of the text.

On the fourth day, I like to briefly review the concepts I’ve gone over in this class.  Since you have done a bunch of meditations in the past few days and likely had different meditation experiences, these concepts might resonate differently now then when you first heard them.  

5. This meditation is like taking your dog off the leash at the dog run.  Once you take your dog off the leash, it doesn’t matter whether he sniffs over there or digs a hole over there, the point is that he’s off the leash.  In this meditation, your mind is off the leash.  To stretch that analogy, being off the leash isn’t always pleasant.  There might be an annoying puppy that keeps jumping on your dog even though he just wants to relax or a big growly dog that scares him.  Taking your mind off the leash isn’t always pleasant either, but that’s the point.  Through this meditation practice, you become more accepting of how your mind is.

6. You don’t control what happens in meditation: The way to control things is through effort.  Since you are not putting in purposeful effort, what your meditation experience is, is out of your control.  So your mind does all the work, you are just along for the ride.  This is what I mean by taking your mind off the leash.  Another way to say that is, “just take it as it comes.” 

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